Transfer Students

Welcome to BCET!

Congratulations on transferring to Old Dominion University, and welcome to the Batten College of Engineering & Technology! On this page, 你可以在这里找到关于你作为奥德赛转校生进入BCET的独特信息.

For general information about the Batten College of Engineering & Technology and its curriculum, feel free to navigate to the Future Students tab located at the top of this page.

Transfer Advising Information

As a new transfer student in the Batten College of Engineering & Technology, you will be advised by the Transfer Academic Success Advisor. 转学顾问在这里确保你尽可能顺利地过渡到ODU和BCET.


Transfer Acad Success Advisor Center for Advising Administration and Academic Partnerships

Transfer Student Checklist


想知道你的学分如何从你以前的机构转移到ODU? Learn more about your specific Transfer Pathway.

To ensure you receive as much transfer credit possible, make sure you've submitted all your documents to ODU.

Official Transcripts
  • 如果你选择了电子成绩单服务,成绩单应该通过电子邮件发送到
  • If you received an Associate Degree, 确保提交你的最终成绩单,并注明学位授予.
Advanced Placement & Dual Enrollment Credit

Learn more about how to send your test scores and ODU course equivalencies.

工科学生参加的分班考试与大多数ODU学生不同. The Batten College of Engineering & Technology uses three, 单独的分班考试,以确定学生应该在以下学科领域注册哪些课程:英语, Math, and Science.

  • ALEKS-PPL是一个数学准备和分班评估系统,用于确定学生在第一学期应该学习哪些数学.
  • 写作样本放置工具衡量学生的写作和阅读能力,并考虑他们以前的学习经验,以确定哪种英语写作课程顺序最适合他们.
  • 化学分班考试是用来确定学生是否准备好参加化学121n并取得成功的工具, BCET's Foundations of Chemistry I Lecture.

作为一个转学生,你可能不需要完成所有这三个分班测试. Please scroll down to the BCET Placement Tests section of this webpage to determine which, if any, 为了注册课程,你需要完成分班测试.

  • 迷你君主培训是一个单独的培训经验,提供给转学生转24个或更多的学分到ODU. During this optional afternoon program, participants will have the opportunity to complete pre-enrollment tasks, academic advising, and course registration.
  • Make sure you complete all your required placement tests prior to your Mini Monarch Orientation Day!
  • Please note, 首次入学的大学生(新生)和转学学分不超过23学分的学生不能参加迷你君主迎新会,必须参加 Monarch Orientation.
  • Register for Monarch Orientation

PLEASE NOTE ** Apple computers (MacBook, iMac, etc.) are NOT compatible with engineering software

Recommended Specs for Engineering Programs



Operating System

Latest version of Windows 11


Latest Generation Intel Core Processors (i7 quad-core or higher)



Video Card

Discrete Video Adapter such as the NVIDIA GeForce

Hard Drive

512GB SSD or higher

Wireless Internet

Any Wi-Fi card capable of supporting 802.11ac

Transfer Student Mentor Program

转学导师在学员和校园内外的学术/职业机会之间起着联系纽带的作用. They also act as a learning coach and friend.

If you'd like to participate in this program, please visit the Transfer Mentors webpage and select "Request a Mentor"

Tau Sigma Honor Society

Tau Sigma is a national honor society exclusively for transfer students.

ODU Student Clubs & Organizations

ODU在工程领域内外有300多个学生组织 & technology. See what interests you!

如果你想了解更多为转学生提供的其他独特资源, click here.

BCET Placement Tests

工科学生参加的分班考试与大多数ODU学生不同. The Batten College of Engineering & Technology uses three, 单独的分班考试,以确定学生应该在以下学科领域注册哪些课程:英语, Math, and Science.

  • ALEKS-PPL是一个数学准备和分班评估系统,用于确定学生在第一学期应该学习哪些数学.
  • 写作样本放置工具衡量学生的写作和阅读能力,并考虑他们以前的学习经验,以确定哪种英语写作课程顺序最适合他们.
  • 化学分班考试是用来确定学生是否准备好参加化学121n并取得成功的工具, BCET's Foundations of Chemistry I Lecture.

作为一个转学生,你可能不需要完成所有这三个分班测试. 请参考以下信息以确定哪些分班测试, if any, you are required to complete in order to register for classes.

请注意:如果你完成了副学士学位并获得了较低级别的普通教育豁免, this does not automatically waive your placement test requirements.

  • If you are transferring Calculus I credits from another 4-year university, 或者如果你要转微积分I及以上的数学课程, you do not need to take a math placement test. 请确保这些学分已经转移,并通知你的学术顾问.
  • 如果你是通过先修/双入学学分转微积分I, you will need to take the proctored exam. 如果你的分数在87分或以上(没有计算器),你不需要做20个小时的模块工作. If you score 86 or lower, 您将需要完成20小时的模块工作并参加监考考试.
  • 如果你正在从另一个四年制机构或通过先修/双入学转代数或预微积分I学分, you are not required but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED 完成20小时的ALEKS PPL,因为它将为您准备数学课程序列的严谨性,因此您有机会在数学序列中选择更高的课程, saving time and money.
  • If you are transferring math credit through CLEP, please read more about CLEP & DSST credit to determine which math courses you may fulfill.
  • If you are not transferring in math credit, you are required to complete ALEKS. It is divided into three parts: 1) an unproctored pre-test, 2) learning modules, and 3) a proctored placement test.
    ◦考试前的分数只决定你需要的练习模块:它不决定你的课程安排. Take the pre-test as an honest measure of your ability. Do NOT use a calculator. ALEKS将根据你的学习情况为你提供适当的学习模块,以帮助你提高.
    ◦ Complete at least 20 hours of learning module work before you can take your proctored placement test.
    ◦ For more information regarding ALEKS placement testing information, click here.

  • 如果你从另一所学院/大学转学分,并且满足你的英语写作要求, you do not need to take the Writing Sample Placement Tool.
    ◦ To determine if a course will transfer in as ENGL110C, use this Course by Course Equivalency site and reference your Degree Works page.
  • If you received credit for ENGL 211C, 221C, or 231C but not ENGL 110C, contact Mary Beth Pennington, Director of Writing Support at, as you may be eligible for a WSPT waiver.
  • 如果您正在转换AP双注册学分,满足您的ENGL110C(英语作文)要求, you do not need to take the Writing Sample Placement Tool.
    ◦ ODU accepts AP scores of 3, 4, or 5
    ◦ If you scored lower than a 3, your credit will not transfer, and you will need to complete the WSPT
  • 如果你的CLEP学分满足了你的ENGL110C(英语作文)要求, you do not need to take the Writing Sample Placement Tool.
    ◦ To determine if your CLEP credit will transfer, please read more about CLEP & DSST Credit here.
  • 如果你没有转换任何符合ENGL110C的学分,你需要完成WSPT. More information about the WSPT can be found here.

  • 如果您已经通过转学或AP学分获得了CHEM 121N学分, you do not need to complete the Chemistry Placement Exam
  • 如果你没有达到以下标准,你需要完成化学分班考试:
  • 您必须在化学分班考试中获得3分或更高的分数才能注册CHEM 121N
    ◦ If you take the Chemistry Placement Exam and receive a score of 1 or 2, you may complete the Chemistry Review Modules Final Exam. 如果您获得80%或更高的分数,您将有资格注册CHEM121N.

Additional Transfer Resources

Engineering Systems Building

To find additional transfer student resources and information, including Transfer Guides and the Course by Course Equivalency tool, click the link below.


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