


请观看并了解社区学院的所有信息 & ODU的环境健康本科学位.



Environmental and occupational health is the evaluation and management of factors that impact the environmental health of the community and the safety and health of people in the workplace.

  • 国家环境卫生科学保护认可委员会
  • Students are prepared to take on entry-level positions such as environmental health specialists, 工业卫生, 职业安全专家. 看到宣传册
  • 在社区实习中获得实践经验. 了解更多关于环境卫生学生实习和经验.

The students will be indoctrinated into all of the various programs and topics that comprise industrial hygiene, 职业安全, 环境健康. 每个项目领域在规定中提供课程作业, 工作和社区接触, 健康危害, 和控制. 课程材料涵盖了所有当前的通用工业实践,包括测量, 评估, 检查, 以及如何确定风险和健康影响.

This program is taught by environmental health professionals and Certified 工业卫生学者s with extensive, 实际现场经验. Students are provided scenario-based exams and exercises to foster critical thinking and problem solving. 该计划还包括在卫生部门实习,提供实践经验, 工业设置, 船厂, 废水的网站, 以及其他各种设置.

本课程将为学生在环境健康方面的入门级职位做准备, 职业安全与健康, 工业卫生. 学生离开ODU时与实习的实用知识, 以及所有相关主题的基本教育背景. They are prepared to use their relevant coursework as a foundation to gain experience and competence in their new jobs. 那些已经在现场的人带走了额外的, current professional information to better prepare them for certification exams and job success.

  • 环境卫生专家
  • 工业卫生学者
  • 职业健康和安全专家


Students must complete the following courses prior to entering the 环境卫生 Program: ENGL 110C, 英格兰231 c, 杂志121 n / 122 n, 杂志123 n / 124 n, 杂志103年, BIOL 250或240, 化学121 n / 122 n, 化学123 n / 124 n, 化学211, 化学212, phy 111牛, 通讯101 r, 数学162M和STAT 130M.

注意: Option D satisfies the Upper Division General Education requirement by completing six (6) credits at the 300-400 level outside of the college of your major. Foreign language may be satisfied with 3 years of 1 or 2 years of 2 languages in high school; graduation from HS prior to 12/31/85, 或拥有VCCS的AA或AS学位.


毕业要求包括最低累积平均绩点2.总成绩和专业成绩都是100, 最少121学时, which must include both a minimum of 30 credit hours overall and 12 credit hours in upper-level courses in the major program for 最靠谱的网赌软件, 完成engl110c和engl211c, 221C或231C, 以及专业写作强化(W)课程,成绩达到C或以上, 完成高级评估.


公共卫生专业人员“保护个人, families and communities from serious health threats" and strive to improve society's quality of life.


  • 检测健康趋势
  • 追踪疾病传播
  • 提供必要的健康教育
  • 寻找解决健康问题社会决定因素的战略和解决办法

研究生s of the Bachelors of Science in 健康 Sciences with a major in 公共卫生 will possess knowledge and 技能 necessary to preventing disease, 通过有组织的社会努力延长生命和促进健康.

The program also provides students with courses in basic 研究 methods necessary for assessment, 分析, 沟通, 研究, problem solving and critical thinking 能力 in the emerging emphasis on evidence-based health care and public health. Students will have the opportunity to gain practical public health exposure and mentoring in clinical, 研究, 或者社区设置. The graduates of our program will be ready to serve as invaluable leaders in the health care services.

研究生s of the Bachelors of Science in 健康 Sciences with a major in 公共卫生 will possess knowledge and 技能 necessary to preventing disease, 通过有组织的社会努力延长生命和促进健康.

  • 公共卫生教育工作者
  • 流行病学家
  • 公共卫生管理和政策的领导者


ODU students who have completed all prerequisite courses with a C or better and meet the minimum cumulative GPA (2.公共卫生理学学士学位课程的入学要求. Transfer students may complete the prerequisite courses at another college or university but are responsible for having a transfer credit evaluation completed by the transfer evaluation unit in the Office of 入学s to determine that transfer courses are equivalent and acceptable to 最靠谱的网赌软件 requirements. 

入场是滚动进行的. 学生必须在参加任何400级必修课程之前接受该课程. 针对非英语母语人士, a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 550 on the paper-based test (or 79-80 on the iBT) is required.


毕业要求包括最低累积平均绩点2.总成绩和专业成绩都是100, 至少120学时, which must include both a minimum of 30 credit hours overall and 12 credit hours in upper-level courses in the major program for 最靠谱的网赌软件, 完成engl110c和engl211c, 221C或231C, 以及专业写作强化(W)课程,成绩达到C或以上, 完成高级评估.




使命: The mission of the Bachelor of Science in 健康 Sciences is to give students the knowledge and 技能 necessary to enhance the administration and delivery of health services. 通过为学生提供优秀的指导和实践经验的机会, 该计划努力创造学生是资产的医疗保健领域. Our mission aligns with 最靠谱的网赌软件's mission to serve students and enrich Virginia, 这个国家, 并通过创立严谨的学术项目与世界接轨, 战略合作伙伴关系, 积极的公民参与.

愿景: 健康科学理学学士专业旨在为学生提供相关知识, 技能, 能力, 以及使他们能够担任初级卫生服务管理员的经验, 准备继续研究生教育, 提高学生已有专业医疗经验的能力. 我们的项目还将促进多样性,并拥抱军事社区.

价值观: The graduates of our program will be ready to serve as competent leaders and members of the health care administration profession.

卫生行政人员计划、指导和协调医疗卫生服务. 他们可能会管理设施、特定的临床领域和医生群体的实践. 它们促进了符合医疗保健法变化的直接变革, 规定, 和技术.


  • 健康 服务s 政府 - You have little or no professional experience in a health-related field and are looking to start a new career
  • 健康 服务s 政府-Professional - You have a certification or licensure stemming from education and experience in a specific health-related field such as nursing, 辐射技术等.


  • 住院的医院
  • 熟练的护理中心/护理之家
  • 流动的诊所
  • 退休社区
  • 健康/健身中心
  • 公共卫生部门
  • 医生实践
  • 社区卫生中心

研究生s of the Bachelors of Science in 健康 Sciences with a major in 健康 服务s 政府 will possess the knowledge and 技能 necessary to enhance the administration and the delivery of health services through healthcare management and policy education

研究生s of the Bachelors of Science in 健康 Sciences with a major in 健康 服务s 政府 will possess the knowledge and 技能 necessary to enhance the administration and the delivery of health services through healthcare management and policy education.

这些毕业生将成为公共卫生保健机构的领导者, 私人, 军事组织. Students will have the opportunity to gain practical healthcare management experience and drive the innovation in healthcare policy.

  • 医疗管理员
  • 医疗保健设施管理人员
  • 医疗保健管理和政策的领导者

认证: This concentration is accredited by the Association of University 项目 in 健康 政府 (AUPHA).

Must be completed with a C or better; C- is not acceptable. 申请截止日期为2月15日、5月15日和10月15日. CHP 200 and STAT 130M must be completed with grade of C or better before submitting program application. Students must be admitted to the program before enrolling in any 300/400 level CHP major courses. Lower division general education requirements must be complete before enrolling in 300/400 level CHP major courses.

注意:选修学分可能需要达到学位所需的120学分. 建议未成年人/证书:环境卫生, 职业安全, 环境问题及管理, 健康与福利, 多样性的证书, 企业证书. 建议选修课:ENVH 401, ENVH 420, hlsc405. 该专业满足口头交际、哲学和技术影响的要求. 高级通识教育由管理辅修课程完成. Foreign language may be satisfied with 3 years of 1 or 2 years of 2 languages in high school; graduation from HS prior to 12/31/85, 或拥有VCCS的AA或AS学位.


毕业要求包括最低累积平均绩点2.总成绩和专业成绩都是100, 至少120学时, which must include both a minimum of 30 credit hours overall and 12 credit hours in upper-level courses in the major program for 最靠谱的网赌软件, 完成engl110c和engl211c, 221C或231C, 以及专业写作强化(W)课程,成绩达到C或以上, 完成高级评估.

补充入学申请表- bshs